Partnering with UNHCR and UNICEF to help ensure that no unaccompanied children arriving in Europe from Turkey have to stay in refugee detention centers. 


Responding to some of the world's worst crises, delivering aid that saves lives while paving the way for long-term recovery.


Responding to the refugee humanitarian crisis affecting the innocent men, women and children forced from their homes by climate change, poverty and war.


Focusing on emergency relief, agriculture and food security, education, health, water and sanitation, and economic opportunity in places including Syria, Greece, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, the Balkans, and the United States. 


Helping international refugees lead and operate a growing self-contained community center on the Greek island of Lesvos with health, nutrition, telecommunication, education, recreation and vocational training activities. 


Restoring a century-old church and iconography to its original grandeur.


National Volunteer Fire Council

Providing invaluable resources, programs, education, and advocacy for first responders across the nation.

Bettering the lives of Windham, New York residents and visitors through the enhancement of trail-based opportunities.
